Upcoming Events
- Fri, Jan 19Virtual Workshop
- Fri, Nov 10Virtual Workshop
Society used to believe that the brain was set by the time you reached adulthood. And we were wrong.
Your brain changes every single day in response to every single bit of stimulus it encounters.
And that’s where your power lies.

Neuro-Social Sovereignty
Over the course of three months to a year, I can teach you how to transform your nervous system from reactive and unpredictable into a machine that drives you toward your goals.
I can show you how to bust through the mental, physical and emotional blocks that keep you stuck.
I can establish the high level of internal safety that makes it possible to speak your truth.
And I can introduce you to the powerful, capable and inspiring person who lives underneath all your outer layers.
Training your nervous system isn’t hard, but it does require daily commitment.
It requires the desire to make peace with your past.
And it requires a vision for your future, no matter how big or small.
At the end of the day, your life will evolve in ways you cannot imagine today. It happened for me, and it keeps happening for me as I deepen my neuro practice and expand my vision for what’s possible. It can 100% happen for you too.
First, we Analyze (A) the ways in which you feel cut off from your goals, hopes and full potential.
Analyze (A)

Then, we Stabilize (S) your neural resources by creating a felt sense of safety in your nervous system.
Stabilize (S)
Next, we Expand (E) your capacity to show up in the world so you can claim your power as an independent-minded, high sensory human being.
Expand (E)
And finally, you'll step into full Ownership (O) of your future by rewriting a fresh narrative that truly supports you.
Own (O)